Filtering by: Jewelry Fabrication

to Sep 29

Surface Beyond Polish (Arrowmont, Gatlinburg, TN)

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Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN

Spice up your jewelry by combining simple techniques with interesting surfaces and multiple layers. Hate to solder or can’t have a torch? Create pendants, earrings and bracelets using cold connections. Learn how paste solder can make soldering multiple elements much easier. Try coloring the the surface with chemical patinas. Have some cool found materials that you want to add into your work? Let’s do it. Discover some new tools to make your work easier. Last, but not least, bump up your finishing skills so that piece you made looks it’s very best. This is not my color class. All levels welcome. REGISTER HERE

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to Jul 14

Surface Beyond Polish

Jewelry Fabrication - Go beyond high polished surfaces and stones by adding interest with texture and patinas.  Learn how to join disparate surfaces and materials.  We will do lots of experimenting to find your favorite techniques.  Beginners are welcome but if you are a seasoned maker we will work on how to add something new to your style.  Bring your sketch pad because we will be working on design, as well. Students should leave with some samples and at least 2 finished pieces.  This is not a Prismacolor workshop.

Register Here

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to Jun 2

Beginning Jewelry Fabrication

While most traditional jewelry requires casting and soldering, jewelry can be made in a multitude of ways with a vast array of materials. You don’t always need a lot of equipment to make exciting jewelry. As we create a small body of mixed metal jewelry (earrings, pendant, cuff bracelet), commonly referred to as a suite, we will examine various ways to add surface interest and volume. Emphasis will be placed on creating well crafted jewelry pieces that relate to one another. Discussion will center on designing through simplification and abstraction and creating interest with volume and texture. Cold connections will be used to join metals and add in non-metallic materials such as fabric, plastic, wood, etc. No gold and diamonds in this class, we will be working in silver, copper, and bronze. I’m not saying we won’t be soldering but we will definitely be looking at other options. Expect to finish at least 3 pieces.


Register at Penland School of Craft

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to Mar 19

Flat to Fabulous - jewelry fabrication

Improve your skills in this fun 2 day workshop. Add interest to your jewelry designs with surface texture, volume, and layers. Emphasis is placed on planning and finishing techniques in order to achieve a more professional look. You will learn easy soldering and riveting tips, how to incorporate found materials or beads, how to create a rich surface on copper and silver, and how to use commercial findings or make your own. Most students will leave with a finished piece. This is the perfect precursor to Deb’s Drawing on Metal workshop which will be offered May 4-7, 2023, at Sertoma Arts Center. A supply list will be sent out to registrants 3 weeks prior to the workshop. 2 sessions.

Instructor: Deb Karash
Ages: 16+ years
Fee: $176/ non-resident $191
Dates: Saturday & Sunday, March 18 – March 19 Time: 10:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.
Activity Code: STARFLATFAB

Register Here

Registration begins online at on November 29, 2022 Type the activity code into the Keyword Search to find classes fast!

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